The Role of the Artist

The paintings of Vincent Van Gogh set to Don McLean's 'Starry Starry Night'

"First, we think all truth beautiful, no matter how hideous its face may seem. We accept all of nature, without any repudiation. We believe there is more beauty in a harsh truth than in a pretty lie, more poetry in earthiness than all the salons of Paris. We think pain good because it is the most profound of all human feelings. We think sex beautiful, even when portrayed by a harlot and a pimp. We put character above ugliness, pain above prettiness, and hard, crude reality above all the wealth in France. We accept life in its entirety, without making moral judgements. We think the prostitute as good as the countess, the concierge as good as the general, the peasant as good as the cabinet minister, for they all fit into the pattern of nature, and are woven into the design of life!"
- from "Lust for Life", a novel by Irving Stone, a biography of Vincent Van Gogh

(Contributed by Priyanka Seshadri)

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